
Create a Template Builder for Real-time Requirements Handling

In Russian

Imagine the situation: you are a new analyst in the current project team, and you want to understand the requirements. You have a specification, tasks and even a clickable prototype. However, the requirements are described differently in the specification and tasks, and the prototype seems to exist on its own. What are your actions?

We invite you to explore how an analyst can put requirements in order in a new team using the template builder. First, we'll look at the types of requirements and the hierarchical structure. We'll talk about the standards-recommended requirements templates, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and touch on the relationship between templates and requirements traceability. Then we will discuss in detail the content and design of templates. And, of course, we will create templates together in Miro in real time and discuss the result. The templates can be reused and adapted to your own tasks. 

