Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ticket Purchases.

  • General ticket questions

    • What is included in the ONLINE + OFFLINE ticket?
      • In-person participation in the offline part of the conference at the site at Saint Petersburg, Ulitsa Startovaya, 6, litera A, Airportcity Plaza Congress Hotel.
      • Participation in the online conference.
      • Unlimited access to recordings of all days of the conference.
    • What is included in the ONLINE ticket?
      • Participation in the Online conference.
      • Remote participation in the offline part of the conference.
      • Unlimited access to recordings of all days of the conference.
    • Which ticket should I choose?
      • Corporate tickets can be paid for by either an organization or an individual.
        • When corporate tickets are purchased by an individual, they may be reimbursed by the employer, customer, client, or other third party.
        • The corporate ticket is intended for use by one individual.
        • The corporate ticket may be transferred or gifted to another individual prior to the start of an event.
      • Personal tickets are provided to individuals who purchase them at their own expense and solely for their own use. Employers, customers, clients or other third parties may not pay for or reimburse personal tickets in whole or in part.
    • What is the difference between a personal ticket and a corporate one?
      • Corporate tickets can be paid for by either an organization or an individual.
        • When corporate tickets are purchased by an individual, they may be reimbursed by the employer, customer, client, or other third party.
        • The corporate ticket is intended for use by one individual.
        • The corporate ticket may be transferred or gifted to another individual prior to the start of an event.
      • Personal tickets are provided to individuals who purchase them at their own expense and solely for their own use. Employers, customers, clients or other third parties may not pay for or reimburse personal tickets in whole or in part.
    • How to buy a ticket?

      You can purchase your ticket on this page. Select "For individuals" if you plan to buy a ticket for an individual, or "For companies" if you plan to buy from a legal entity. Next, select:

    • Until what date will tickets be on sale?

      Standard tickets are available until the last day of the conference.

      Full Pass tickets will be available until the last day of the conference season.

  • Prices and discounts

    • Are there any discounts?

      You can buy tickets at a significant discount during the early sales phase. The closer the date of the conference, the higher the price of the tickets.

    • Will the price of tickets change?

      The cost of the ticket increases every month on the first day of the month. You can keep track of price changes here.

  • Corporate ticket

    • Why is the corporate ticket twice as expensive as the personal ticket?

      A personal ticket costs half the price of a regular (Corporate) ticket.

      We want to support those participants for whom an employer or customer cannot pay for a regular ticket or who are currently unemployed. For such participants, we have made a special "preferential" ticket—the Personal ticket.

    • How many employees can use the corporate ticket?

      One ticket per employee.

    • Do we have to give the name of the participants when buying corporate tickets? Right now we don’t know exactly who will participate.

      When buying a ticket, it is enough to specify the customer’s name and mail, as well as details of the company. Purchased tickets will appear in your Personal Area, from where you can distribute them to the participants. Learn more here.

    • Do you give a certificate to confirm the fact of the purchase of the ticket to the employer?

      We will not be able to give a certificate because our company is not an educational institution. As proof of participation, we can provide you with a letter of participation on letterhead, stamped and signed.

      To do this, write to our customer service.

    • Is there a corporate broadcast?

      No, there are no corporate broadcasts, all tickets are sold on a "one ticket, one participant" basis.

  • Payment from a legal entity

    • How do I pay for a conference from a legal entity?

      You can purchase tickets from a legal entity through our TimePad ticket agent:

      • Go to "Buy ticket" and select the "Corporate" ticket.
      • Select the desired ticket category.
      • Make an order.
      • When selecting the payment method, select the "Payment by invoice from a legal entity" button. (Please note: the contract and invoice will be in Russian.)
      • Enter the details of your company (be sure to specify TIN and KPP). The invoice contract will be sent to the email address you provided.
      • Payment of the invoice can be made within 21 calendar days, but no later than the closing date of the conference. You can request original documents at docs@timepad.ru.
    • How do I pay for a conference from a legal entity if I am from any CIS country?

      To pay for the conference, contact our support team.

    • Is it possible to pay by letter of guarantee?

      Please contact our support team to pay for your participation under the letter of guarantee.

    • We paid the bill, how do I get access?

      After payment, your order will be in the Personal Cabinet of the company, where it should be distributed to the participants according to the instructions.

    • I need a direct contract.

      We conclude a direct agreement and issue additional documents for the purchase of 5 or more tickets.

      Otherwise, the agreement is executed with the ticket agent of TimePad Ltd.

      If you purchase five or more tickets and require a direct agreement, email us.

    • We made payment on the invoice, when can we get access to the conference?

      Receipt of funds depends on the banks and can take a long time. Access will be available as soon as the funds are credited to the account of our ticket operator.

      If you need access as soon as possible, send us a payment order upon payment to support@flowconf.ru.

    • We want to order a ticket for an employee. In the registration form, is it necessary to specify the data of the participant or the one who will order the tickets?

      In the registration form, you need to specify the data of the customer. You can distribute the ticket to any employee of the company from the your account, according to the instructions.

    • We are a foreign company, what should we put in the Company ID?

      By ID we mean a company identification number, any local analogue of the Russian TIN (SSN/IdNr/TIN) will do.

  • Online conference

    • How to access the conference?

      To gain access to the conference you are interested in, you must purchase a ticket to the conference. You can do this on this page.

    • How do I get access to the conference after buying a ticket?

      After you purchase a ticket, you will automatically get a personal account.

      An invitation will be sent to your email — click on the link in it and follow the instructions.

      If the letter didn’t come, check your spam folder.

      If there is no email, report the problem to support.

  • Offline conference

    • Where will the offline part of the conference be held?
      Offline part will be held on September 24–25 at the following address: Saint Petersburg, Ulitsa Startovaya, 6, litera A, Airportcity Plaza Congress Hotel.
    • When will the program and time for the offline part of the conference be known?
      We begin publishing the program in batches on the conference website one month in advance.
    • What activities will be included on the offline part of the conference?

      There will be on the offline part:

      • talks;
      • roundtables;
      • BoF-sessions: meetings of interest without a scheduled schedule;
      • discussions with offline and online speakers who will come to the site;
      • Afterparty for participants at the end of the first offline day.
    • Will there be an online broadcast of the offline part of the conference?

      We will broadcast live most of the activities of the offline part: talks, roundtables, etc.

      Discussions and BoF-sessions will not be broadcast or recorded.

    • Offline was so long ago that I no longer remember what the procedure was for offline conferences.
      Don’t worry, before the conference we will send you a participant’s memo. It will contain all the necessary information.
  • Tickets to the offline conference

    • Can I buy a ticket only for the offline part of the conference?
      To attend the offline part, you must purchase an ONLINE + OFFLINE ticket. It entitles you to attend the offline part of the conference and lifetime access to the recordings of the online part.
    • How do I get into offline part if I have a ONLINE ticket?
      If you already have a ticket for the online part of the conference, you can upgrade it to ONLINE + OFFLINE. To do so, email our support team at support@flowconf.ru
    • How do I get to the offline part if the company only paid for my ONLINE ticket?
      If the company that paid for your ticket is not willing to upgrade to ONLINE + OFFLINE, you can do it yourself at a discount. The discount is given for taking the survey after the online part of the conference ends.
    • Is there a limit to the number of tickets for the offline part?

      The number of tickets is limited to the capacity of the conference venue.

      So it is better to buy tickets in advance while they are available.

  • Offline conference and Covid-19

    • Are there any restrictions on going to an offline conference?

      There will be no COVID restrictions on site visits. You don’t need QR codes or PCR tests to enter the venue. For your safety a qualified medical worker is constantly on duty at the site.

      However, if you’re feeling unwell, it’s best to refrain from going offline. You will be able to participate in the offline part remotely or watch the performances in the recording.

  • Videos

    • Video Archive

      For all conference participants, recordings remain available indefinitely in the «Archive» section.

      To view the videos, log in to your Personal account.

    • Is it possible to buy videos before the conference?

      All conferences are live on the dates listed, so video recordings will not be available until after the conferences are over.

    • Is it possible to buy videos of the conference?

      Only the purchase of a ticket gives you access to the conference recordings. You get unlimited access to recordings of all activities except the discussions and BoF-sessions; they are not recorded.

    • Will there be a recording after the conference? And how long will it be available?

      Video recordings will be available immediately after the conferences. All videos will remain available indefinitely.