Offline Flow. Saint Petersburg

September 24–25 00:0000:00 (UTC+3)

Offline: Airportcity Plaza Congress Hotel, Ulitsa Startovaya, 6, litera A

It’s offline, where you

  • Talk in person

    Chat with colleagues. Catch speakers to talk to or consult with experts.
  • Join various activities

    Participate in sessions, contests and quizzes. Complete quests or compete in games.
  • Hanging at the booths

    Meet new projects and companies. Network on career topics. Get merch.

Ask Expert

1 on 1 sessions with an industry expert. 45 minutes of usefulness. It works like this:

Any participant with an offline ticket can apply for an expert session. Just email to

  1. Choose «your» expert

    Expert specialization is listed on the website. Formulate a question or a topic for discussion — and submit it.

  2. Receive confirmation

    Experts select from among the applications — interesting for himself. We inform you of his decision.

  3. ’Consult’

    The meeting takes place offline, in a private setting. You gain valuable knowledge in a relaxed manner.

Please note that the conversation with an expert may fall during the time of a talk. It is not a big deal — you can always watch the talk in the recording afterwards.

Offline only, no recording

  1. September 24

    • No record
      Master class
      Hall 4

      Reviewing Requirements in Practice

      At the masterclass, you will try yourself in two roles: a reviewer who gives comments on an employee's work, and an employee who receives reviews of their work. In practice, we will break down a few simple rules that will allow you to achieve the goal — quality requirements on time.

    • No record
      Master class
      Hall 4

      Analyst Interview: Tailoring Questions to Real Work Tasks

      When selecting a system or business analyst to join your team, you need to understand how he or she will cope with the tasks that will be assigned to him or her in the team. Standard questionnaires / checklists, even if they exist in a company, reflect a certain average profile of a candidate; tasks often have a very broad context. And they ask one thing, but in reality the candidate will do quite another.

      We will show you how to identify the candidate profile, focus the task with a broad context, and what other questions to ask the candidate besides technical ones.

    • No record
      Hall 2

      Smart-style Talks

      SMART talks is a new format of activities at Flow. Speakers give practical and motivating 10-minute talks that help middle analysts improve their performance. 

    • No record
      Hall 3

      Fail Night

      Wise men learn by other men's mistakes. But how do we find out about them, if everyone only talks about successful projects and best practices?

      At the Flow 2024 Autumn we will hold Fail Night, where speakers will talk about work related failures, their impact and the cost of fixing them.

  2. September 25

At the venue, in general

  • Afterparty

    A party for participants, speakers, experts and hosts. The menu includes drinks and appetizers, informal networking and a great time spent.
  • Lunch and coffee breaks

    Buffet for all participants. Drinks and snacks of your choice in between.
  • Networking

    Meeting colleagues from different companies. Sharing ideas and contacts.
  • Mix of various formats

    Discussions and informal talks with speakers and participants. Round tables, BoF sessions and Lightning talks.

If you can’t participate offline or want to leave early, there is always an online broadcast of all the talks from the main program. Then there are video recordings available.